Shady Grove
Traditional Music of North America
Arranger: Kim Robertson
Level: Advanced
Type: Lever or Pedal Harp
Traditional Music of North America
Arranger: Kim Robertson
Level: Advanced
Type: Lever or Pedal Harp
Traditional Music of North America
Arranger: Kim Robertson
Level: Advanced
Type: Lever or Pedal Harp
Barbara Allen/Hole in the Wall
Black is the Color of My True Love's Hair
Come All ye Fair and Tender Maidens
Do you Love an Apple/Streets of Laredo
Fiddlin' Bagpipes
Gentle Annie/Annie Laurie
I Will Arise
Oh! Susanna
Shady Grove/Nonesuch
Sligo Maid
Slumber My Darling
Thanksgiving Hymn
The Water is Wide/Shall We Gather at the River